Book: There Is No Wall - Allie Bailey
Make no mistake, this is a page turner. Allie tells her story with a brutal honesty, heartbreaking at times, comical at others. Her “straight from the heart” account of her journey to recovering alcoholic is eye opening.
With chapters titled “What the fuck happened” and “Well, that escalated quickly” you get a sense for her disarming candour. Running is a recurring theme in the book, but make no mistake, this goes deep, way beyond a book about running. Whether it helps you, allows you to help someone else or just opens your eyes to what can be going on in another human’s head - it’s a must read.
The concluding pages are a letter to the reader, a personal way to wrap this story up after what feels like a very intimate discourse.
Allie, I hope I come across you on my journey - you are remarkable.